Saturday, November 3, 2007


"Its very alarming that advertisers are allowed to have so much control over the content of programming", said Jeff Chester. In this case, it's a very true statement because that describes how things are and because there is so much control that they have, they pretty much hold the power. These "alarming advertisers" control what's put out to the viewers' eye and how much of it. Obviously, they're going to put the money making stuff way out there. They use psycho graphic analysis to figure out different groups of people. They try to find out things like the "common sensibilities" and the "hot buttons". This is a way to find their interests. After that, they figure out ways to grab their attention with that whether it be in good ways or negative ways. They develop messages to target these groups of people. Eventually, this leads to the wrong kind of thinking which then leads to the wrong kind of actions happening. For instance, the Columbine shooting; that gave them a fear of just being in their own communities and the mistrust of the media. MTV is another thing that has a negative effect on kids. It's proven to lead to shorter attention spans, stimulation overload, chronic boredom, and even attention deficit disorder (ADD) because of its video style leads. Another big influence is the increasing of diversity in America. "It's changed peoples sense of what they have permission to do, where they look for cultural styles, and their whole sense of possibility", says Walker J. Smith. Kids these days are all about computers. consumer electronics, and the programs that give such influence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great info! What's your source?