Sunday, December 16, 2007


The media is just about everywhere in today's society; it's really rather sad. Teens are more influenced by the media because items are more addressed towards them, they're easily persuaded, not tomention gullible, and they don't recognize the harm in it. Personally, i think it's rather understandable for i am indeed, a victim of the influenced. For the younger in our world, it is simply viewed as harmless. Yet the lucky snap out of it and remain strong, while others just get sucked into it and don't even realize what's going on with them.
Although this day in age is highly technological, it's easily put out there and understood why. Technology's enhancing and the appeal to it is only increasing by both adults and teens. Yet, why are the teens of our generation noticing it more? Well, when you think about it, most items put out there are for the younger era. Do you honestly think a middle-aged human is going to be as appealed by the media and such items as a tennager would be? Teens are more influenced and way more gullible which is exactly why they are more targetted and things are more addressed to them specificly.
Financially, teens and the younger era don't maintian a lot of responsibilities. They are targetted by the media, sucked in quickly, and money is spent like no other. Specificly, things to perhaps enhance their "beauty" and "appearance" to people. Things such as games could be spent on, but they might be proven to bring out more of an aggressive side of a person depending on the game. Media influence is but a hidden calamity. It is isn't very well put out there, but please my friend, don't underestimate this issue for you could be a victim of it!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


The main thing that sticks out to me when it comes to this issue is that it's nothing but negativity. I do not believe that anything positive comes out of the media. Positive media influence is like an oxymoron to me. There's also no way of escaping it because it's everywhere; TV, radio, printed material, and the Internet. Mass medias purpose is to create audiences for information, artistic expressions, and other kinds of messages. Sounds harmless right? Well to an extent it is, but its effects are definitely out there! The media is powerful and effective enough to shape the way people view the world. Others look at the media as something to provide role models. Sadly, it provides good and bad ones. The media is a scary thing because you can be a victim of it and not even notice it.(yikes!!)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

{Website Review}

OK so this website isn't all that because it has no pictures, not to mention color but it will do someone very good if your looking for information. It shows and provides info on things like studies on music and their lyrics, studies on TV, media aggression and violence, effects of video games and even Internet effects. There are different point of views from everything so you're pretty much in luck once you get a hold of this website. It really gets in depth with how all of this stuff gets to us as a society through our emotions.


"Its very alarming that advertisers are allowed to have so much control over the content of programming", said Jeff Chester. In this case, it's a very true statement because that describes how things are and because there is so much control that they have, they pretty much hold the power. These "alarming advertisers" control what's put out to the viewers' eye and how much of it. Obviously, they're going to put the money making stuff way out there. They use psycho graphic analysis to figure out different groups of people. They try to find out things like the "common sensibilities" and the "hot buttons". This is a way to find their interests. After that, they figure out ways to grab their attention with that whether it be in good ways or negative ways. They develop messages to target these groups of people. Eventually, this leads to the wrong kind of thinking which then leads to the wrong kind of actions happening. For instance, the Columbine shooting; that gave them a fear of just being in their own communities and the mistrust of the media. MTV is another thing that has a negative effect on kids. It's proven to lead to shorter attention spans, stimulation overload, chronic boredom, and even attention deficit disorder (ADD) because of its video style leads. Another big influence is the increasing of diversity in America. "It's changed peoples sense of what they have permission to do, where they look for cultural styles, and their whole sense of possibility", says Walker J. Smith. Kids these days are all about computers. consumer electronics, and the programs that give such influence.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

True Video!
This is a very true video with very good points made. This shows that there is no good effect to what the media does to us as a society. It hits the most popular ways that we are hit with the media. The whole "skinny/ fat" thing and "weight" thing and the beauty/ pretty/ ugly" thing. To me, it's a very sick way to make their money. Because of the media and their effects, our society is slowly self-destructing

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Because the media is just about everywhere, you're bound to see it everywhere it is to be scene. People are always out and about and they take an obvious notice of what the media has to offer. If people notice it, which they do, they're more likely to follow it. Media influences are so pressuring and they don't even know it. It's effect on mainly teens and the younger generation is beyond improtant because we are the ones that take quick notice of it and enforce what we see. We are the ones still trying to find our way in the world and we're also still trying to figure out who we are and the media takes advantage of that. The media also tends to use it against us for their own use to make money. I'm guilty of being "under this influence".